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Missouri Vehicle Inspection Services in Fulton, MO

Missouri Vehicle Inspection Services In Jefferson City, MO

Looking for an Inspection?

Sneller Mid Mo Auto & Diesel is an official Missouri vehicle inspection station. To stay road legal, make sure you schedule your appointment within 60 days of registration. We recommend doing this shortly after you receive your notice to ensure it's out of the way, and you're good to complete registration.
missouri vehicle inspection

New Resident or New Vehicle?

Missouri requires a vehicle inspection within 30 days of purchase or residency. Some exclusions may apply depending on the model year of your vehicle. Speak with a member of our team and we'll help you with the process.

About MO State Inspections

Missouri mandates that most vehicles receive a safety inspection once every two years unless the vehicle is within its first 5 model years or meets another exemption rule. As of writing, Cole County only requires the safety inspection.

MO State Inspection Overview

The Safety Inspection includes checking your: headlights, turn signals, horn, brake system, steering mechanism, all window glass, windshield wipers, and more.

Inspection Items
Official Inspection Station
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